Thursday, October 29, 2015


Please watch the video.

Da Vinci

Here is a picture of my maths task.We are learning about capacity which is like weight length.
I enjoyed learning this because I didn't know much about it before.We had to use our brains and order lightest and heaviest the top is the lightest and then so on till the heaviest. We had to work by ourselves but that helps us so the other person won’t do all the work for you.


Friday, October 16, 2015

Glenn B AKA My Dad

This is my piece of writing.It is a character piece which is were we describe someone really well.We had to describe someone wen knew.So I chose my dad. I really enjoyed learning a new type of writing.
WALT choose words that give the reader a vivid picture in their head

Glenn B AKA My Dad
Purpose: To Entertain
Text Type: Character Description
My Writing Goal:
Success Criteria:
  • Shows physical description
  • Shows character traits and actions
  • Organised into correct sentences and paragraphs
  • Strong nouns, verbs and adjectives
  • Uses a good simile and can use other language features effectively
  • Has an entertaining anecdote (little story that happened) about the character
  • Use a topic sentence to start a paragraph

Glenn B AKA My Dad

My dad is a casual dude who enjoys watching sport on tv and playing sport also he like’s Holdens. He is also a chilled back kind of dude and likes relaxing every once a while.

He has short curly hair and a small beard. He enjoys wearing the old jeans and work boots to work. I wouldn't call him a giant of a man  but he sure is a man. .Did you know that when he was at high school he set a record for the fastest 100 meter sprinter and in the final my dad was the fastest junior against the fastest senior and he one. He also likes drinking beer and coffee while relaxing on the porch in the sun.

My dad is a lot of things but here are some of them. He is a sporty guy and when it comes to family sports he sure is supportive. He is also a person who has time for family and enjoys spending time with them. That's what my dad is to me and my family.
By Cameron B

Thursday, October 1, 2015

RWC 2015

This my rugby world cup starter task. Worked with my learning buddy Kiana. To get this information we searched it up on the internet and Mrs Love emailed us a link to the rugby world cup website 2015. It was really cool choosing a country I knew nothing about and finding new information. As you can see on task one we weren't allowed to choose one of the 5 teams underlined and written in bold letters.

RWC Starter

Task 1
Choose a country that is in the RWC. Try to pick a country that you do not know much about.

It must not be New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, France or England.

Write that country here: Namibia

Task 2
FInd out this information about your team.

World ranking: 20
Continent it is on: Africa
Captain of the team: Jacques Burger
Team nickname: Welwitschias
A picture of the actual uniform
Captain of Namibia
Jacques Burger
Image result for Jacques Burger

Namibia's rugby world cup jersey 2015

Task 3
Find out this information about this country

Picture of the flag:
National symbol:
National animal: Oryx
National food: Crocodile, Kudu and Oryx, in Windhoek, Namibia
Capital city of the country: Windhoek
A map of the country:

Flag of Namibia

National animal of Namibia

National Symbol

National Food

Map of Namibia