This my rugby world cup starter task. Worked with my learning buddy Kiana. To get this information we searched it up on the internet and Mrs Love emailed us a link to the rugby world cup website 2015. It was really cool choosing a country I knew nothing about and finding new information. As you can see on task one we weren't allowed to choose one of the 5 teams underlined and written in bold letters.
RWC Starter
Task 1
Choose a country that is in the RWC. Try to pick a country that you do not know much about.
It must not be New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, France or England.
Write that country here: Namibia
Task 2
FInd out this information about your team.
World ranking: 20
Continent it is on: Africa
Captain of the team: Jacques Burger
Team nickname: Welwitschias
A picture of the actual uniform
Captain of Namibia
Jacques Burger
Namibia's rugby world cup jersey 2015
Task 3
Find out this information about this country
Picture of the flag:
National symbol:
National animal: Oryx
National food: Crocodile, Kudu and Oryx, in Windhoek, Namibia
Capital city of the country: Windhoek
A map of the country:
National animal of Namibia