Here is a sneak peek of one of my slides.It is a player profile on Ivano Balic (the best handball player in the world) I have also added a video of his top 10 goals.
Here is my PBL reflection.
Project Topic:Handball
Photo/Screenshot of Project (insert below)
Finish these starters:
- Something I enjoyed about my project was finding out new information about handball because I know much more about handball than I did when I started
- The most challenging thing about my project was understanding some of the words because some of the words I wasn’t able to pronounce.
- The main skill I got better at was my digital skills I got better at them by using my computer more and finding some new things out that I could use.
- Something interesting I learnt was How many handball teams there are in the world and that New Zealand are ranked 466 out of 475.
- What I would most like to change about my project is make a model rather than a slide because I like to make things by hand and draw rather than by computer or device.
- I would like to do my next PBL about boxing.
Choose three learning muscles and explain how you used them during your PBL.
Noticing because I had to make sure there weren't any mistakes and if there were fix them up
Perseverance because I had to keep persevering and going to other sites and sounding out some of the words.
Managing distractions because when someone was trying to get my attention I ignored them.
Create a Description of Your Project
This needs to have either video or audio. You can use any app you like. Include a link here. You will embed it as part of your Reflection PBL Blog Post.